this is a house


this is a house is an exploration of liminal spaces. It was created by Casey Partridge in 2024 as part of a web dev class.

Liminal spaces are a recent internet phenomenon describing images of once-occupied, now-empty locations that evoke a feeling of melancholy nostalgia. These images are characterized by the following:

  1. Lack of visible occupants.Liminal Airport

    The absence of visible humans supports a feeling of eerieness. Humans in these images are represented by what they leave behind: an empty refrigerator, a lamp left on, a bare mattress (once a bed, no longer).
  2. Lack of shadows / normal lighting.Liminal Basement

    The diverted expectation of home lighting in the photos allows these spaces to slip into an uncanny valley. It is bright, but the expected usual light sources are not immediately visible.
    In this project, the lack of expected shadows is akin to a poorly rendered video game - creating a space that feels even less real.
  3. Nostalgic themes.Liminal Hallway

    The word nostalgia is often, in this context, associated with a longing for childhood. While liminal spaces often do invoke a feeling of childhood nostalgia specifically, they can also invoke nostalgia for other aspects of life: nostalgia for friendship, for travel, for gathering. These empty spaces act as canvases, inviting the viewer to paint their own experiences. These images produce a collective sensation of nostalgia, despite the lack of specificity (and generally, anything) within them.
    These places are not abandoned; though they are aging, they are not yet decrepit and decaying. This is a house, a place that once was - a place that could be again.

This website was constructed entirely using HTML and CSS.

The background elements were created in Photoshop as 2D images to emulate 3D spaces.

The furniture images were pulled from online ads and Facebook Marketplace.

The clouds are not real. Nothing is real.

  • How are you today?
    I'm good

  • Are you free to hang out on Friday?
    Maybe, not sure yet

  • What do you want to do with your life?
    Don't know

  • When are you going to get a real job?
    When someone agrees to give me one

  • Why haven't you texted me back?
    I forgot, I'm sorry


The answer you're looking for is not on this page.

HINT: Where do you normally find mail?