We started when our founder, Jason, made Tommy up, made us up, made the whole thing up for a school project. We don't even know the guy in the picture above. Googled "guy on a bike" and he was like the 5th or 6th image. Win! He looks like he could be Tommy!
Since then, we have been the place where Jason has seen more bikes images than he exspected and now has decided to buy one. To bad we are not a real place or he could have gotten a sweet sweet deal on a bike from made up guy,, Tommy! That will teach you to want a bike! Kidding, there's a guy in San Juan Cap that has everything. It's not Tommy, its some other guy.
Tommy's has been serving Mission Viejo since this project was given to the class! We are a full service bike shop and can meet all your sales and service needs!
"They have the best fictional bikes ever"
" For a non existant company, they have an amazing selection and great service"