
Similar Games

Aw Heck has a similar way of playing as some other games in the same genre such as Sorry! however there are some differences in the rules and even a new mechanic so be sure to read the rules.

Here is a video explaning the rules and setup of the game, followed by a written description for those that would rather read the rules.
(Note: This is a placeholder video since I don't have a video explaining the rules of Aw Heck, this video explains the rules of Sorry! but since it is similar enough it can work as a placeholder.)


In order to setup the game, all 4 marbles of each color must be places into the 4 holes in their starting colored circles, those being the colored circles on the corners of the board.


Your Goal is to get all of your colored marbles into your Home circle, the circle of your color that is inside the line of holes.

What is a Turn

On your turn you must:

  1. Roll The Die
  2. Choose which Marble to move
  3. Move that marble the number of places that you rolled forwards

Other Details

  • If all of your marbles are still in their start, you must roll a 1 or a 6 to be able to move one of them to your beginning space
  • On a 6 you can roll again
  • If you land on top of another player's marble, their marble is sent back to its start circle
  • You cannot jump over your own marbles, but you can jump over other player's marbles
  • If you have no available moves, your turn is skipped
  • If one of your marbles can get to the inner corner hole, the one on the left side of your colored triangle on the spot in the middle of the board, and it only has 1 move left, it can use that move to go to the center space
  • If your marble is in the center space, you need to roll a 1 for it to get out, in which case it exits to the inner corner hole closest to your goal