
My Favorite Artist is my Grandpa

My Grandpa was a very handy person and he made a lot of amazing things, from tools to help with house work, to art pieces, and even games. This website is a showcase of the thing that he made that I feel had the most impact on my growing up, and something that I wanted to share with other people outside of my family and that thing is the board game he made called Aw Heck.

Aw Heck is a board game that my Grandpa made before I was born, and ever since I can remember, my family has had it with us whenever we go camping, and we played it in a whole bunch of different National Parks when we visited them on trips as I was growing up.

He made the wood board himself, painted on the circles and details, and then gouged out the holes for the marbles, all by hand. While I don't have the craftsmanship skills to do something like that on my own, I thought I could use what skills I do have, coding and computer skills, to create another version of that game on this website.