A Biography of the Life and Works of Jane Austen
One of the most well-known and beloved novelists of England, Jane Austen lived a humble and tragically brief life. Though she would never become aware of the incredible influence her works would have on the world and on the future of literature, her name is come to be known in the years since as one of the greatest writers of fiction, with countless adaptations and inspirations spanning over two centuries.

Early Life
Born on December 16, 1775 to George and Cassandra Austen in the Steventon Rectory in Hampshire, England. Jane was an extensive reader and took great influence from her brothers, whose careers placed them in the path of adventure, culture, and high society.

First Novels
Jane's first serious novella was written (although never fully completed) at the age of only 19. Her two first completed novels, and two of her most famous accomplishments, would be written in just the next few years of her early 20s: Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. It would take over ten years for either novel to be published.

Austen's Prolific Period
After moving to a comfortable cottage in the village of Chawton in the year 1809, Austen saw the beginning of her most prolific period. Not only were Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Pride and Prejudice (1813) both published, so too were the wildly popular Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1815). In this short time during her mid 30s, Jane Austen would lay the foundation to becoming the most celebrated novelist in English Literature, but at the time of their publication, not one single book bore her name as the author.

Final Year and Death
Jane would sadly not survive long to see any success of her works. Within the same year of publishing Emma, Austen struggled to write her final novel, Persuasion, while succumbing to serious illness. Although she was able to finish this last work, she would pass not long after: on July 18th, 1817 at the age of 41 years old.