
The Wars and Naval Conflicts of Regency Era England

The Battle of Trafalgar

Persuasion -- while being primarily the story of renewed love, patience of character, and maturity -- is also a looking glass into the influence of the Navy on Jane Austen. Two of Austen's brothers were successful Naval officers in a tumultuous time during the Napoleonic Wars against France, where the potential risks and rewards for a soldier were both immense. Their stories, their travels, and their civilian interactions upon returning home have clear effect on her writing.

Just as in real life, Austen's characters such as Admiral Croft and Captain Wentworth experience combat and loss, struggle with social perception, and eventually come into great wealth. Here is a short list of just some of the military conflicts that would have significantly influenced English society and/or allowed an Austen contemporary to rise through the ranks of the English Navy.

Name of Conflict Date Primary Participants
French Revolution 1793-1802 France
Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815 England
South American
Independence Wars
1811-1823 Spain
War of 1812 1812-1814 US