A New Players Guide To Dungeons And Dragons

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Thankfully, Dungeons and Dragons isn't a very demanding game in terms of equipment, you could play with a nakpin and a salt and pepper shaker if you really wanted to. However, if you want to step up your game and purchase some things that might make the game a little easier for you, then I got a few suggestions.

Dice are probably the most essential thing you can have in dnd, it litterally dictates the outcome of everything, so if you can purchase some I would highly reccamend it. You can buy some for relitavly cheap here.

If you are thinking of buying some dice you also may want to consider buying a dice roller, these are extreamly conventient since they not only give you a place to keep you dice during the game, but also give you a dedicated place to roll them so they don't go rolling off the table somewhere, trust me, all dnd veterans have experienced it. It also protects your dice from getting damaged when you inevitably roll your 100th roll of the night. You can buy one here.

The single most important thing you could have in a DND game is a character sheet. This is where everything about your character is held, there stats, health, skills, and equipment. Out of everything on this list it is for sure the most important. Thankfully it doesn't cost anything to get, you can simply print it out online. The most difficult part it learning how to actually fill it out and for that you can watch this video.

Tired of using your imagionation to visualize your character? Then maybe you should look into getting some miniatures, they are reletivly inexpensive and can help a ton during combat. It allows you to actually see your character and where they are, as well as have a physical representation of the enemies you are fighting. In my opinion it makes the game much more enjoyable. You can buy some pretty cheap ones here.

Last thing on the list is a battle map. This goes along with the miniature and is where you will place them during battle. This allows you to actually see your environment and where you are relative to everyone else. Each square is 5 feet and its super usefull for both players and DMs alike. In fact, I would also count this as a must have for most games unless you want to completly do away with movement speed and many other rules. You can buy one here.



A page where you will learn what dungeons and dragons is, and if its the right game for your table. Here, there is a breif history of the game and a quick overview of the possibilities.



This is going to be a breif explaination of the rules in the simplest terms possible so new players can get a good understanding of the core machanics and rules.



We will be discussing what is physically needed to play the game and giving you a little insight on what you can buy or get to make the game easier for you and your players.



As much as we would love to give you absolutly everything in this website, we cannot. Dungeons and dragons is a massive game with so many supplements to add or remove from your own games. So in this page we will list a few additional reasources with more information to really add to your knowledge.